Teeth Prevention: Dental X-raws

Teeth Prevention: Dental X-raws

How does your dentist know when you have a cavity developing between your teeth, or a wisdom tooth beneath the gumline that isn't growing in properly? 

Dental x-rays provide a picture of what's happening in areas we normally cannot see. Early decay, impacted teeth, abscesses and bone loss from gum disease are all things that dental x-rays reveal.

Root Canal Therapy
Endodontic treatment in progress 

When the nerve in a tooth is badly damaged, either by an accidental trauma or because of dental decay, sometimes your dentist (or a dental specialist like an Endodontist) will perform Root Canal Therapy, where a hole is made into the tooth and the damaged nerve (or pulp) is removed with a special file and replaced with a filling material. Usually the tooth is later fitted with a new top called a Crown to help it remain strong.


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