Side Effects of Birth Control Pills

Side Effects of Birth Control Pills
Pregnancies can be prevented using birth control pills, however these pills may give the women serious health problem. These health problems are caused due to hormonal treatment, which is not a natural process. Changing brands of birth control pills over the period of time can help the women to minimize their side effects.
However if a side affect last more than three months, then she should consult her doctor. Women are not advised to change the brand of their birth control pills without consulting the doctor.
There are problem which are commonly observed in women using birth control pills. These common side effects are not dangerous or fatal, however if they stay for longer period of time, they may cause serious illness. Common side effects of birth control pills are.
Breast tenderness
Bleeding between your periods
Decreased sexual desires
Cyclical weight gain
Mood swings
Besides these common side effects, there are serious health problems that are caused by birth control pills. They happen rarely, however women with heart problems tend to grow these problems with them quickly. Since the birth control pills contain estrogen, which is essential for hormonal treatment in order to prevent pregnancy.
Estrogen increases the risk of having blood cloths. Healthy women normally do not face this problem using birth control pills; however women with the history of blood clots, stroke, Very high cholesterol, Symptomatic heart valve disease, Jaundice, high blood pressure and migraines are not recommended to use birth control pills.
Birth control pills do not cause cancer, however they tend to reduce the probability of getting endometrial or ovarian cancer. Women with breast cancer are not recommended to use birth control pills. Also women using birth control pills have greater possibility to have breasts cancer as compared to the women who do not use these pills.
There are chances where women can have diseases like Thromboembolism , Retinal artery thrombosis, Gallstones, Stroke, Benign liver tumors, Failure of birth control, Increase in blood pressure and Heart attacks. However these side effects are very rare and healthy women are not vulnerable to them. Women who are addictive to smoking are not recommended to use birth control pills, since theses pills increase the chance of heart diseases.