Natural Penis Care


OK my name is Roy and I can tell you I've been taking that Urogenital Tune-Up for about a month. And I've had tremendous results particularly I think from the Ayurstate but from the other products as well. But to talk about the Ayurstate, I've had significant differences in the way I feel when I'm urinating. Number 1 I feel much better flow. It doesn't ... I don't feel it like I used to - it just goes. It's strong and it's powerful! I don't get up early in the morning ... 4:30, 5 o'clock in the morning I'd usually get up and go to the bathroom. I don't have to do that anymore which is really quite nice!

And so I get better sleep as a result of it. I think that may also be due to the Ayurtox that I take in this whole tune-up is the fact that I am getting better sleep because a lot of the bad toxins in my body seem to be going away. And also my wife has noticed that I have a marked increase in wanting to have sex. I'm 44 years old so you know when you're 44 - it's part of the aging process - I am not 18 anymore but I feel 18. And that's really kinda cool! So I love the products and you're welcome to use me as a reference. Send me an email I'll forward any information you want to any of your perspective clients and tell them how great I think the products are.

Roy (age 44) - Singapore

My name is James. I've been taking Kama Raja for about 2 years. I find Kama Raja to be a very good supplement because it gives me an overall feeling of well being. I notice that I have no joint pains or body aches while taking Kama Raja. Kama Raja has given me the ability to last longer in my sexual encounters - sometimes as much as 1 hour! I ran out of Kama Raja in August. And I could feel the difference in my performance. I am ordering a 6 month supply of Kama Raja as I do not want to run out of it again. Kama Raja works well for me. And I would recommend this supplement to anyone who are having not only sexual problems but for a feeling of overall well-being generally. Thank you! Bye.

James (age 62) - Florida, USA

Hi, this is Eric. I just ordered my next lot of Ayurtox and Kama Raja - 4 boxes each. And I'm very pleased with both of them, thank you very much!

I noticed the difference especially with the Kama Raja right away. I am also doing the exercises with the Kama Yogi book that I bought last time. The Ayurtox is an ongoing thing but I noticed that it flushes me out quite efficiently - obviously I've been going.

I haven't ordered recently. I have been out for about a month but I want to get back to it again because I miss the both of these supplements and I really enjoy using them. And I'm glad you've made them into a ... and I'm also a big fan of Ayurveda on its own as well anyways.

But I'm glad you guys are out there doing this stuff and I discovered you on the web which is a wonderful resource for us all I think. I really like being able to continue my custom with you by way of the web as it is. So I hope you stay in business for a long time and I'll be reordering as time requires. Thank you so much. Bye bye.

Eric (age 58) - Georgia, USA

My name is David and I purchased Kama Raja about 5 months ago. I've been taking it for that time - that amount of time. And I seem to be seeing some results from taking it. When I had first started taking it, I had injured myself riding a bicycle too much. I was having some nerve problems in my groin. Having trouble getting an erection. Since I started taking the herbs, this problem seems to have went away. And I think the herbs probably had a lot to do with that. And I would recommend it to other people. To at least give it a try. I'm going to plan on ordering it again in the near future. Thank you. Bye.

David (age 54) - Iowa, USA

Hello, my name is Rollington. I am 60 years old. For quite some time, I was suffering from a weak erection. I tried just one or two enhanced products but they gave me headache. One night while I was searching the Internet for some assistance with my sex life, I came across Kama Raja. So I decided to give it a try. I ordered 6 boxes. After intake of the first 1 month, I noticed my erection began to get firm. By the time I took 4 months, I was like when I was in my 40's. After completion of the 6 boxes, I decided to order another 6 boxes. To any young man or gal, wanting an improvement you can order Kama Raja. Thank you.

Rollington (age 60) - Bahamas

Ya I'm Dharmendra speaking from Doha, Qatar. Regarding I was having a problem of sperm count and the mortality. And I was depressed and I was doing medicine for 3 years. None of the medicine helped me. Then suddenly i went in the computer and I check on the site for mortality improvement and the sperm count increment. And I found the Sukraja and the Kama Raja. Then I ordered the medicine from Singapore and it helped me. After taking it for 1 month, my sperm count increased to 26 millions, before it was only 4 millions. And while taking this Sukraja and Kama raja, I have no side effects. And it is very good supplement and I have a 6-month course and I believe it will improve my mortality also. And it is very good medicine I have found. It is totally herbal so there is no side effect from Sukraja or Kama Raja. Very good supplement. Thank you very much and I am very happy with these two medicines. Thank you.

Dharmendra - Doha, Qatar

Hi, Good Day. This is Sylvester. Living in the United States. I bought the Ayurstate, the Kama Raja and the Sukraja and all three products are very very good. Before I started using it I have problems with my prostate. The products are excellent. I will recommend anyone for these products. This is not a joke testimony and I'm telling you exactly how it works for me. Very good. Actually I just reordered. I just made an order and reordered more stuff. The same set I ordered I reordered it plus two other sets, the detox and the Cardiofy for the heart and Yogic Slim. Since these products are so good I ordered more other stuffs to check it out and as always give a testimonial on the other stuffs when I try it. But so far, it's very very good. I'll recommend anyone to get it. So thanks a lot and I'll keep you all informed or you could give me a call putting in to this testimonial. Thank you and Bye.

Sylvester (age 52) - New York, USA

My name is Daniel. I've been taking Kama Raja for 2 months. Before I took it, I was feeling OK. I'm a diabetic so I feel a little loss of energy. After I started taking it, I felt a lot more energy and more virile. I'm still continuing to take it and Kama Raja has been very good to me!

Daniel (age 41) - California, USA

Hi my name is John. I am a taker of your product called Kama Raja. And it has been a wonderful product for me! I am an older man. And it has boosted my virility and so it makes me feel like a little bit younger. So I have been very pleased with your product and I will continue taking it for a long time! I thank you for your product and I am very pleased with it. Thank you so much! Bye bye.

John (age 61) - California, USA

My name is Jim and I've been using this [Kama Raja] for a little over a month. And all I was looking for was just an increased desire and function - I guess. More of an enhancement. And it certainly has done that. I would recommend it to anybody. It's a good product. I've never had anything like it. Thank you.

Jim (age 36) - Texas, USA

Interview with Gobalan - Malaysia:

Translated from Spanish:

My name is Fernando Vazquez. I am a citizen of the Colombian city of Medellin. I am 57 years eh .. I am retired .. eh ... I began to learn the benefits of having the pills Kama Raja through the website of the company India Herbs.

Eh .. I was frigid and no intentions toward sex, I began to take Kama Raja and I have noticed from the beginning I felt my legs very hot in comparison with my cold legs I had ... did not have any sensation like that before I had the legs very cold, and I began to warm in between the legs and started to feel some very very slight symptoms in the genitals.

And then as I was going through the everyday ingestion of Kama Raja, I was feeling that I was beginning to have a very slight erections. I almost finished the sixth box of Kama Raja and I feel now in a period of four days, every four days feel more powerful erections and I'm taking a strong stimulation my body is reacting to the product. I am very grateful, very happy with the Kama Raja and from there I decide that I am going to repeat it another 6 months.

I will do my order of Kama Raja for another time equal to the initial for 6 months, I would combine it with the product Ayurstate to improve my erections. I think this will give me more frequent erections and I won’t have to wait every 4 days. I will repeat Kama Raja in order to have more frequent sexual practice thanks to the advice that the team of India Herbs gave me. I can say I am about to improve or to achieve in terms of sensitivity to have erections faster. The other is that the food I eat is a healthy diet and I'm going to do as your advise to avoid to consuming Coca Cola and decrease my liquor consumption. And if I also could get a manual of Yoga exercises, I will do them. The Yoga positions will help to stimulate the genital part. Thank you.

Fernando (edad 57) - Columbia

Translated from Spanish:

I feel very well honestly speaking. I think it's the medicine the Ayurstate and Kama Raja and I'm taking, as a matter of fact without any problems, I feel even better. And this week I'm expecting to finish my treatment, and in one more week I will order for two more months of Kama Raja and Ayurstate.

Because I am en elder person and I am more than 60 years old of age and not really use any drugs at all for these kind of problems virility and prostate ... I am using the Ayurstate and Kama Raja, and Well ... I anyway for a long time I have got up once or twice to urinate every night then I thought must be something wrong. I'm part of the medical group, I know about medicine. I know what it is benign prostatic hypertrophy and know what it is to get up two or three times in the night, in any way I always kept myself healthy.

I tried always taking another medicine known as the Saw Palmetto that is natural, but as I found on the Internet of Ayurvedic medicines then I changed and decided to go for the Ayurstate and I think this is helping me even better, is helping me to urinate better. I do my own diagnosis [He is a QFB], I keep doing my own analysis of my prostate and is perfectly well and I continue to use the Ayurstate because even I have no problem anymore but i want to avoid future problems.

Its true I really feel different, but I had no evident problem but since I'm starting to take the Ayurstate as a prevention these months I've been taken it I feel even better. Well I do not know if I can tell you that I am sexually even better, I feel better because I can’t take these drugs such as Sildenafil “Viagra”. The truth is that I do not take that and I function very well for my age.

Honestly speaking. I take these medicines that I found from the Ayurvedic medicines, because for a long time ago I do transcendental meditation so it is important that meditation is the one that promotes or suggests natural medicines from India in Ayurveda. I am following this I feel good, I'm doing great by buying these two supplements not because I have problems but to prevent them. In my case is different, I'm taking these medicines because I do not want to have them in the future. What I mean is that by starting taking them about two months ago I'm feeling a much better than it was before. And amazing I am 67 years old, and I have knowledge about these topics as the theme. I am familiarized because I'm biochemist, I study these topics and I understand them very well. That's why I got into this matter. I mean, the two supplements Ayurstate and Kama Raja, I will continue with them. I'm spreading the word: since I take these supplements, my situation improved in every way.

Sixto (edad 67) - Paraguay

I would like to share my experience with this product. When my age reach 50yrs, my sex life started to tame down, even though I wants it, but it didn't work. I have tried some stimulant, it works well but I found it dangerous, worst of all I checked it out I dysfunction.

So for almost 2 years, at last I found Kama Raja at your website. After taken for about 2 months I got the feeling that my penis started to' wake up 'and the desire to have sex aroused. So about 4 mths later, my 'small brother' have wake up for about 5 mins and it's make me feel very happy. I would like to continue taken Kama Raja until I really satisfied my desire..

Further more Kama Raja, makes me feel healthy, before that I feel quite lazy and always feel tired, but after taken the supplement I feel like I am 30 yrs younger. Thanks KAMA RAJA, YOU MAKES ME HEALTHY AND FEEL YOUNG.


Hello, my name is Raja and I am currently 51 years of age. About 2 years ago I began noticing that on occasion while making love with my partner, I would lose my erection and could no longer perform, even though I still had the desire to do so. This would occur before ejaculation, and often while my partner was also still full of desire. Well, the alarm bells went off, and I began searching for some kind of aphrodisiac or herbal Vajikarana to restore my once virile nature as well as my self confidence!

Fortunately, I chanced upon Kama Raja on the internet, and after reading about the product, I decided to give it a try.. I have been using Kama Raja for the last year or so and I can say with all sincerity, that it has definitely made a difference in my virility and vitality. As with any Ayurvedic remedy, it has to be taken regularly over a period of time to see the results. It is not an instant fix like Viagra or Cialis (although much, much safer!). But if you take it regularly, after a few weeks you will start to notice the changes, and it will make all the difference in your love life!

Sydney, Australia

Phone Testimony from John (Age 71):

He said Kama Raja is working well. He had an erection problem and now his erection is clearly coming back.

He will keep on taking our supplements as long as he can. He does not like to talk a lot and simply gets to the point without offering details.

I appreciate the after-sales help, and I know it's early days yet, but I've noticed definite improvements in the sex department. My seminal output seems quite increased and my genital areas seem more sensitive. I just hope this continues and improves further. It's been about a week yet, so I'm currently quite happy.

Thought you might appreciate the feedback.


Thank you for your email and your follow-up on my progress with the Kama Raja. I am now in my third week. One thing you must know is that I have Parkinson's, therefore erectile dysfunction can be a serious problem.

The Kama Raja has helped to reduce my Parkinson's symptoms considerably. This is probably due to the Mucuna Pruriens, which increases the level of dopamine in the brain. My hands are steadier and I also notice that I am more relaxed, have less anxiety, and am more relaxed. These improvements I felt almost immediately upon taking the herbs.

So far, the effect on the erectile dysfunction seems to be helping a little bit, but I think it is still too early to tell. My libido has increased, but the performance still hasn't increased. To date, I am very satisfied with the product, and will continue taking it twice a day and hope for continued improvement.

Daniel L.

Yes I believe the product is working well for me.

I think it has also helped me lose 15 pounds. Everyone says that i look pretty good for going onto 50 next year. I take it almost every day as long as I remember.

Thank you,

Scott J.

Thank you very much.

I have been taking your product for about 3 weeks, and it works very well. I regain what I had years ago.

My question would be if I have to take this all the time or I should be able to stop at certain point.

Please advise, based on others experience, how long I should take this continuously.



The Ayurvedic medicine is a slow process, but i can feel the recovery. Let me give a try till the medicine lasts.

Thanks once again


Thank You Paul , I do feel better & will talk to you again soon.

Michael C.

I was asked by phone to give a testimonial and am happy to:

"After seeing so many commercials and receiving email after email for "the little blue pill" and the like, and reaching the age of 35, I looked into mens' health more and for an all natural supplement to keep me at my peak as I get older.

Thankfully, I found India Herbs.

I've been taking Kama Raja for over a year now and have nothing but great things to say.

As far as sex-drive goes, I feel like I'm eighteen again!

I've had no side effects whatsoever and highly recommend the product for any man looking for enhanced sexual pleasure.

Their website has all the information you could ask for and India Herbs delivered on their guarantee."

- Robert

Hope it helps and thanks for the great product.

Kama Raja has improved my sexual function without side effects. I have more desire, stronger longer erections, and faster recovery now that I take it regularly. In my 50s, I've tried lots of supplements but Kama Raja is by far, my preferred one.


I have used your product for the last 4 months and have noticed a definite improvement in my seminal output. Up to 4 times as much as previously. Noticed a definite improvement in my sense of wellbeing, skin texture and just the way I look in general.


I ordered Kama Raja for improving the quality of my erections. I took it for about 2 months and found it to be quite useful. I could feel an increase in size of my penis as well the erections were more full bodied. Even after stopping the medicine for the last few months, the improvement is sustainable.


I have used Kama Raja for two months and found the stated expectation in the information about Kama Raja to be fairly accurate. In these two months, I have found an increased sensitivity in the sexually sensitive areas. I have found a renewed interest in sex with increased desire. In addition, I find my penis has thickened.

The improvement to date has encouraged me sufficiently to reorder.


I have to tell you after 1 month use and starting the 2nd month I have noticed definite increase in sexual desire. I also have greater discharge. I am 47 years old but feel more like in my 20s everyday.


Here I am for a preliminary report: "I find myself in the midst of the 6th. week of my taking faithfully, as prescribed, your product Kama Raja, I have a increase in libido as I may qualify your product now as a aphrodisiac."


I will shortly be placing my 3rd order with you. Kama Raja has met my expectations. How can I sign up to be an affiliate? I would like to recommend it to my friends.


I bought my husband some Kama Raja a few months ago. It has worked out well for us.

If you can get a female sex supplement as good as Kama Raja for men...I will definitely be buying some when its is available.

Thank you for your answer so quickly.


I have been using the product for about 3 weeks and see subtle changes taking place now. I would like to know whether I need to take this with milk or other solution for stronger potency. Please advise.




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