Make Up Tips:How to shape and define your eyebrows
How to shape and define your eyebrows
It is quite understandable to know how many women are seemingly obsessed with their eyebrows. They fuzz over their eyebrows in the same way they fuzz over their hair. Women from all over the world take great pains in removing unwanted hair and shaping their eyebrows to achieve the perfect look. Some would even go to the extent of surgical procedures and having a professional create an artificial pair of eyebrows. For indeed, eyebrows play an important role in drawing attention to the eyes. Eyebrows can actually make or break a face.
If you want to enhance your eye, you may choose to shape your brow in a way that it forms a perfect arch. But if you are doing this for the first time, seek the help of a professional before you pluck your eyebrows.
Next, invest in a good pair of tweezers, specifically one with a tip that is either pointed or slanted. Look at yourself in the mirror, making sure that your eyebrow lies proportionate to the other features of your face. With the use of a mascara wand, brush the eyebrows upwards and then back, then downwards to separate the hair you want to keep from the hair you want to pluck. Then using a very dark pencil, draw an outline over the eyebrow of the shape you want to achieve. Then begin plucking the hair that lie outside the line you have drawn. Pluck slowly and carefully, and only one at a time. When you are done with this, use an eyebrow brush to shape the eyebrows, and work your way upward and outward for more definition. As a final touch, apply some eyebrow powder to fill in the gaps. An eyebrow powder is much better than an eyebrow pencil because it gives the eyebrow a more natural and professional look.