Health Tips: Cheap HIV Test Result in 30 mins!
Posted on June 2nd, 2009 in HIV by James Parker
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Now scientists have developed an HIV test which result in just 30 minutes and can be performed anywhere in the world without need of laboratory. An international team of scientist has developed the prototype CD4 rapid test, very similar in design like a home pregnancy test. This works with a finger-prick blood sample to know the numbers of CD4+ T-cells in a person’s blood.
CD4+ T-cells are very essential for a healthy working of immune system and an HIV infection slowly destroyed them and makes patients increasingly vulnerable to illness.
According to Professor Suzanne Crowe the scientist of Burnet Institute, this test results in just 30 minutes without any laboratory equipment being required.Recent research proves that HIV patients will have much poorer outcome if they wait till they’re sick to start treatment. So now patients can start treatment soon that is based on a CD4 count.The CD4 testing is expensive so the majority of patients in the world don’t have access to it. Currently 33 million people around the world have been diagnosed with HIV, many of them belongs to poor countries.
Tags: CHeap HIV Test, Daily Health Tips, Health Ideas, HIV Aids, HIV Infection, HIV Test, HIV Test Result in 30 Minutes
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