Health Tips: Stop Smoking(How to stop smoking)

Although the tobacco companies would like you to believe otherwise, there is nothing glamorous or chic about smoking. Smoking will accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and ages your skin.
Smoking creates many health problems for women:
Women who smoke die of lung cancer and other smoking related diseases at twice the rate of women who don't smoke.
Women who smoke are sick more often than women who do not.
Women who smoke heavily have almost three times as much bronchitis or emphysema, about 75% more chronic sinusitis, 50% more peptic ulcers compared to women who don't smoke.
Smoking affects pregnancy and the health of the baby.
The risk of serious effects on the heart and blood vessels may be several times greater for women who use birth-control pills and also smoke cigarettes, compared to those who are on the pill but do not smoke.
More women die from lung cancer than from breast cancer. So teenage girls and women need to stop smoking.
Stop Smoking Tips - The Important 4 D's:
Drink water. - It helps flush the nicotine and other chemicals out of your body faster. This also satisfies the oral craving for a period of time. Try using a straw which is the same diameter as the cigarette.
Deep breathing. - This is very healthy, but most people do not utilize their full lung capacity. Take 10 deep breaths, and hold the last one while lighting a match. Exhale slowly, and blow out the match. Take a Deep Breath Break instead of a cigarette break.
Delay. - Every day, delay lighting your first cigarette by one hour. After the first cigarette, when you have your next craving to smoke, delay for another half an hour. As a smoker you were not in control of your habit; you smoked when your body craved nicotine. Now by delaying, you are calling the shots, you are in control of when you say NO.
Do something different. - Don't smoke when you first experience a craving. Wait several minutes (also see Delay above) and during this time change your activity or talk to someone. You have to get out of the situation that makes you want to smoke.
For instance, if you smoke after dinner, do the dishes or go for a walk. Change your habits!
Stop Smoking Aids
Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), such as chewing gum, skin patch, tablet, nasal spray or inhaler, are designed to help you break the habit while providing a reduced dose of nicotine to overcome withdrawal symptoms. Studies have shown that NRT doubles the chances of a smoker to successfully quit smoking compared to someone using no therapy.
Bupropion, (Zyban) works by de-sensitising the brain�s nicotine receptors and has similar success rates to NRT. The course of treatment lasts around 8 weeks. It is only available on prescription under medical supervision.
Laser Stop Smoking Therapy - This has been gaining a lot of attention and popularity lately. It is a safe, drug-free method of smoking cessation method. The laser's light is helpful in controlling the smoking addiction and enhancing relaxation.
Beneficial health changes when you stop smoking:
Stop smoking and your body will start to repair the damage done almost immediately, starting a series of beneficial health changes that continue for years.
Time since quitting Beneficial health changes
20 minutes Blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal.
8 hours Nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in blood drop by half, oxygen levels return to normal.
24 hours Carbon monoxide will be eliminated from the body. Lungs start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
48 hours No nicotine left in the body. Ability to taste and smell is greatly improved.
72 hours Breathing becomes easier. Bronchial tubes begin to relax and energy levels increase.
2 - 12 weeks Circulation improves.
9 months Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve as lung function is increased by up to 10%.
1 year Risk of a heart attack falls to about half that of a smoker.
10 years Risk of lung cancer falls to half that of a smoker.
15 years Risk of heart attack falls to the same as someone who has never smoked.